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Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters (IAPW)

Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters (Central IAPW) in Ceske Budejovice is application-oriented institution that offers students and researchers specialization in the fields of fish farming, fishery, fish quality, hydrobiology and water protection.


Institute of Aquaculture and Protection of Waters (Central IAPW) in Ceske Budejovice is application-oriented institution that offers students and researchers specialization in the fields of fish farming, fishery, fish quality, hydrobiology and water protection. IAPW consists of 2 laboratories (Laboratory of Controlled Fish Reproduction and Intensive Fish Culture and Laboratory of Nutrition), fish processing plant and fish shop.

Pedagogical activities
Most of the theoretical and practical education of bachelor (Fishery, Protection of Waters) and master study programs (Fishery and Protection of Water) takes place In the newly built modern premises of IAPW.

Research and consultancy
Laboratories deal with a wide range of research and consulting activities in the areas of pond and intensive aquaculture, processing and fish quality, fishery in open waters, hydrobiology and water protection.

Commercial activities
Part of the newly renovated building at Husova street 458/102 in Ceske Budejovice is processing plant and fish store. The store serves mainly for promotion and application of high quality fish and fish products from our own production. It also deals with the development of new fish products, preparation of receptions and practical education of students.

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