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21st Toxicological Conference

The 21st Toxicological Conference "Toxicity and Biodegradability of Matters Important in Aquatic Environments" was held at the MEVPIS Centre on 21-22 August. The conference was attended by 40 researchers and academics and 22 lectures were presented. Since 2005, the student competition "Prof. Vladimír Sládeček Prize" has been a part of this conference. This year the evaluation committee awarded the first place to Ing. Lucie Kotrbová (Faculty of Science, USB) with the contribution " Exploring macrolide-degrading bacterial microbiome in soils treated with wastewater treatment plant products ", the second place went to MSc. Martina Poncarová (Faculty of Science, USB) and the third place to MVDr. Vendula Stoklasová (University of Veterinary Sciences Brno).


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