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Distinguished personalities received awards

On the occasion of the opening ceremony of the academic year 2024/2025, the Rector of the USB, prof. Ing. Pavel Kozák, Ph.D. presented awards to 21 distinguished personalities of the University of South Bohemia. Among the awardees were also experts working at the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters USB:

  • The scientific award went to Ing. Ondřej Nikl - Jakub Krčín Prize in the category of agricultural and fishery sciences for his diploma thesis on "Vliv alternativních zdrojů bílkovin v rybím krmivu na růst ryb a rostlin ve dvousmyčkovém akvaponickém systému.“

  • The pedagogical award went to Ing. Ján Regenda, Ph.D. - Jarloch Prize for the university textbook "Praktika v rybníkářství", which focuses on theory and examples related to the care of ponds for fish farming and also on the breeding of carp as the main fish in the Czech lands.

  • Ing. Jitka Hamáčková received the award for her more than 59 years of service at the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters USB, originally at the Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology in Vodňany.

We congratulate all the awardees and wish them many more personal and professional successes.

Details of other award winners can be found here.



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