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Premium scholarships 10/2022

In accordance with the Scholarship Regulations of the USB and other regulations and internal norms of the faculty, the premium scholarship for contribution to faculty’s creative activities was awarded in October 2022 to the following students:

Surname and name of student  

Publication output for which a premium scholarship is awarded


Baloch Asghar Ali

Mičúchová, A., Piačková, V., Frébort, I., Korytář, T., 2022. Molecular farming: Expanding the field of edible vaccines for sustainable fish aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture 14: 1978–2001. (IF 2021 = 10,618; AIS 2021 = 1,813)

Kajgrová Lenka

Adámek, Z., Kajgrová, L., 2022. Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) occurrence in carp aquacultural ponds: a case study from the South Bohemia. Aquaculture International 30: 2541–2556. (IF 2021 = 2,953; AIS 2021 = 0,439)


Kifayatullah, Kor, G., Kozák, P., Niksirat, H., 2023. Effects of environmental factors on the cellular and molecular parameters of the immune system in decapods. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 276: 111332. (IF 2021 = 2,888; AIS 2021 = 0,540)

Kor Golara

Kifayatullah, Kor, G., Kozák, P., Niksirat, H., 2023. Effects of environmental factors on the cellular and molecular parameters of the immune system in decapods. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 276: 111332. (IF 2021 = 2,888; AIS 2021 = 0,540)

Kuebutornye Felix

Mishra, A., Shah, B.R., Roy, K., Abdelsalam, E.E.E., Piačková, V., Shaik, H.A., Dvořák, P., Velíšek, J., Kuebutornye, F.K.A., Mráz, J., 2023. Andrographolide loaded Pickering emulsion: A bioactive component for improved growth, digestibility, and haematological properties in cultured common carp Cyprinus carpio. Aquaculture 562: 738810. (IF 2021 = 5,135; AIS 2021 = 0,635)

Nguyen Van Tuyen

Nguyen Van, T., Bořík, A., Velíšek, J., Kouba, A., Žlábek, V., Koubová, A., 2022. Integrated biomarker response in signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus exposed to diphenhydramine. Chemosphere 308: 136382. (IF 2021 = 8,943; AIS 2021 = 1,007)

Pěnka Tomáš

Pěnka, T., Malinovskyi, O., Imentai, A., Kolářová, J., Kučera, V., Policar, T., 2023. Evaluation of different feeding frequencies in RAS-based juvenile pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) aquaculture. Aquaculture 562: 738815. (IF 2021 = 5,135; AIS 2021 = 0,635)

Dadras, H., Chupani, L., Imentai, A., Malinovskyi, O., Esteban, M.A., Pěnka, T., Kolářová, J., Rahimnejad, S., Policar, T., 2022. Partial replacement of fish meal by soybean meal supplemented with inulin and oligofructose in the diet of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca): Effect on growth and health status. Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 1009357. (IF 2021 = 5,247; AIS 2021 = 1,341)

The publications in question are available here.

We would like to thank our students for their creative activities and congratulate them on the premium scholarship.

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