If you have come to the conclusion that the study is not right for you, it is possible to terminate it at your own request. This process is very simple, deliver a notice of leaving the faculty (stating your personal number, name, date and signature) to the study office.
Your studies may also be terminated by us, especially in cases where you do not meet the requirements arising from the study program.
The most common reasons for us to termination your studies are not meeting the conditions of the first semester of study (obtaining 20 credits), or obtaining an insufficient number of credits in subsequent semesters of study. We can also terminate your studies if you do not obtain credits for a compulsory subject even after the second enrollment of subject or if you do not enroll at least 20 credits for the semester even after the notification. Details of the termination of studies for non-fulfillment of the requirements arising from the study program can be found in Article 31 of the Study and Examination Regulations of the University of South Bohemia.
Zátiší 728/II, 389 25 Vodňany Tel. +420 387 774 616 |
Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České BudějoviceTel. +420 387 774 601 |
© 2021 University of South Bohemia
Laboratory of Reproductive Physiology
Laboratory of Molecular, Cellular and Quantitative Genetics
Genetic Fisheries Center
Experimental Fish Culture Facility
Laboratory of Intensive Aquaculture
Laboratory of Freshwater Ecosystems
Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry
Laboratory of Aquatic Toxicology and Ichtyopathology
Laboratory of Germ Cells
Laboratory of controlled reproduction and intensive fish culture
Laboratory of Nutrition
Processing Unit and Shop with Fish and Aquculture Products