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FROVcast 3 - Náš rybář v Bruselu

Přinášíme Vám třetí díl FROVcastu, tentokrát s názvem "Náš rybář v Bruselu".

Jaké to je, když se rybář vydá na zkušenou do Bruselu a vymění holínky za oblek? Může stážista ovlivnit rozhodování o rybolovných právech v rámci EU? A bude mít Česko vlastní moře...? Poslechněte si další vydání našeho FROVcastu, tentokrát s Ph.D. studentem naší fakulty Ing. Martinem Musilem.

FROVcast 3 - Our Fisherman in Brussels

We bring you the third episode of the FROVcast, this time called "Our Fisherman in Brussels".

What does it feel like when a fisherman goes to Brussels for an experience and trades his rubber boots for a suit? Can an intern influence decision-making on fishing rights within the EU? And will the Czech Republic have its own sea...? Listen to another edition of our FROVcast, this time with our Ph.D. student Ing. Martin Musil.

FROVcast 4 - "Drought will prevail without wetlands"

We bring you the third episode of the FROVcast, this time called "Drought will prevail without wetlands". You can listen to our hosts doc. RNDr. Jan Pokorný, CSc. from the ENKI o. p. s. institution from Třeboň and our colleague RNDr. Bořek Drozd, Ph.D.

FROVcast 4 - Bez mokřadů zavládne suchopár

Přinášíme Vám čtvrtý díl FROVcastu, tentokrát s názvem "Bez mokřadů zavládne suchopár". Tentokrát se pobavíme s hosty doc. RNDr. Janem Pokorným, CSc. z třeboňské organizace ENKI o. p. s. a naším kolegou RNDr. Bořkem Drozdem, Ph.D.

FROVcast 5 - Does pond farming Bell Tolls?

The irreplaceable function of ponds in the landscape, the quality and purity of water in our ponds, cyanobacteria and why our ponds are in danger will be interviewed in the next episode of the FROVcast by Mgr. Miroslav Boček with our guests - Ing. Jan Potužák from the Vltava Basin, s.p. and Ing. Ján Regenda, Ph.D. from the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters USB. All FROVcasts can be found here (only in Czech).

FROVcast 5 - Zvoní rybníkářství hrana?

O nezastupitelné funkci rybníků v krajině, o kvalitě a čistotě vody v našich rybnících, o sinicích i o tom, proč jsou naše rybníky v ohrožení pohovoří v dalším dílu FROVcastu Mgr. Miroslav Boček s našimi hosty - Ing. Janem Potužákem z Povodí Vltavy, s. p. a Ing. Jánem Regendou, Ph.D. z Fakulty rybářství a ochrany vod JU ČB. Všechny díly naleznete zde.

FROVcast 6 - "Blýská se na lepší řasy?"

The Algatech center in Třeboň is world-renowned for microalgae research. Our guest Richard Lhotský, Ph.D. talks about their potential to solve humanity's problems, such as the lack of proteins or the excessive amount of C02 in the atmosphere.

Listen to this and other FROVcasts here.

FROVcast 6 - Blýská se na lepší řasy?

Třeboňské centrum Algatech je světově proslulé výzkumem mikrořas. O jejich potenciálu řešit problémy lidstva, jakými jsou nedostatek proteinů nebo nadměrné množství C02v atmosféře, hovoří host Richard Lhotský, Ph.D. 

Poslechněte si tento i další naše FROVcasty zde.

FROVcast 7 - Konec stánkového prodeje kaprů v Čechách?

  • Skončí stánkový prodej kaprů v Čechách?
  • Je vánoční prodej kaprů ve stáncích k rybám šetrný?
  • Hledají rybáři nové alternativy, jak dostat své produkty k zákazníkům?
  • A na jaké dezinformace ohledně prodeje a konzumace ryb dát pozor?
Pozvání do posledního letošního FROVcastu přijal Ing. Jan Kašpar, vedoucí Zpracovny a prodejny ryb a produktů akvakultury Fakulty rybářství a ochrany vod JU. 

FROVcast 7 - The end of stall sales of carp in the Czech Republic?

Listen to the next FROV cast.

  • Will stall sales of carp in the Czech Republic end?
  • Is the Christmas sale of carp in the fish stalls eco-friendly?
  • Are fishermen looking for new alternatives to get their products to customers?
  • And what misinformation to look out for regarding the sale and consumption of fish?

The invitation to the last FROVcast this year was accepted by Ing. Jan Kašpar, the head of the Processing Unit and Shop with ish and Aquaculture Products of the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters USB.

GA CR competition

In this year's competition of the Czech Science Foundation, a project entitled "Characterization of effects of substances with anti-progestogenic activity occurring in the aquatic environments on lower vertebrates" was selected for funding on behalf of the FFPW USB. In 2022-2024, the staff of the Laboratory of Aquatic Toxicology and Ichthyopathology and the Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Biochemistry will participate in the project under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. Hana Kocour Kroupová.

In recent decades, evidence has been gathered that certain compounds that enter the environment can adversely affect the endocrine system (hormone-producing organs) of wildlife and humans. These substances are collectively referred to as endocrine disruptors. Due to the occurrence of some endocrine disruptors with estrogenic activity, for example, relatively frequent occurrence of intersex (hermaphroditic) fish individuals in rivers has been reported. The supported project focuses on substances with so-called anti-progestogenic activity, repeatedly detected in the aquatic environment, not only in the Czech Republic. Substances with anti-progestogenic activity block the progesterone receptor and thus prevent the action of natural progestogens (e.g., progesterone), which are female hormones that play a crucial role in the reproduction of all vertebrates. There is a reasonable suspicion that these substances could negatively impact the development and fertility of animals living in the affected areas. Therefore, in the project, emphasis will be placed on monitoring the effect of substances on various parameters related to the development and functional reproduction of exposed fish and amphibians. Information obtained under laboratory conditions may help predict the potential risk of these substances to animals living in a polluted environment.

Graduation ceremony, 29. 6. 2022

On June 29, 2022, a graduation ceremony for bachelor's, follow-up master's, and doctoral studies graduates will take place at the FFPW USB´s Large Lecture Hall of the MEVPIS Center Vodňany. This academic year, 11 bachelor's students, 12 follow-up master's students and 4 doctoral students completed their studies at the FFPW USB. Congratulations to all!

You can watch the graduation ceremony online here.

Habilitační a profesorská práva

Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod JU získala od Národního akreditačního úřadu pro vysoké školství akreditaci habilitačnímu řízení a řízení ke jmenování profesorem v oboru Rybářství s 10letou platností, tedy do června 2033.

Habilitation and professorial rights

Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters USB has been granted the habilitation and professorial rights in the field of Fishery from the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education for 10 years, i.e. until June 2033.

Habilitation of Dipl.-Ing. Martin Bláha, Ph.D.

The rector of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice Prof. PhDr. Bohumil Jiroušek, Ph.D., appointed our colleague Martin Bláha as Associate Professor at the field of Hydrobiology from 1st January 2022.



Habilitation of Dipl.-Ing. Vlastimil Stejskal, Ph.D.

The rector of University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice Prof. PhDr. Bohumil Jiroušek, Ph.D., appointed our colleague Vlastimil Stejskal as Associate Professor at the field of Fisheries from the 1st June 2022.



HLUW Yspertal at the FFPW USB again

  • images/FROV/aktuality/2023/yspertal/20230508_132416-kopie.jpg,
  • images/FROV/aktuality/2023/yspertal/20230508_151901-kopie.jpg,
  • images/FROV/aktuality/2023/yspertal/20230508_155527-kopie.jpg,

A traditional intensive course focused on environmental topics was held for the Higher Vocational School from the Austrian Yspertal from 7th to 12th May 2023. Twenty students and two professors had the opportunity to experience a bespoke program with the topics: Contamination of the aquatic environments, Pond Ecosystems, Aquaponics, Crayfish and Quality of fish flesh, Legislation and Sensorics. The program was designed to include not only theoretical lectures, but above all practical teaching and field exercises. It was supplemented by sports activities, a social evening and a visit to the towns of České Budějovice and Vodňany. The course participants left excited and loaded with new knowledge.

We would like to thank all our colleagues for the perfectly prepared professional blocks of the program and the work done, thanks to which this school remains loyal to us and returns every year.



HLUW Yspertal znovu na FROV JU

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  • images/FROV/aktuality/2023/yspertal/20230508_155527-kopie.jpg,

07.-12.05.2023 proběhl již tradiční intenzivní kurz zaměřený na environmentální témata pro Vyšší odbornou školu z rakouského Yspertalu. Dvacet studentů a dva profesoři měli možnost zažít na míru připravený program, jehož tématy bylo Znečištění vodních ekosystémů, Rybniční ekosystémy, Akvapónie, Raci a Kvalita rybího masa, legislativa a senzorika. Program byl sestaven tak, aby obsahoval nejen teoretické přednášky, ale především praktickou výuku a terénní cvičení. Doplněn byl o sportovní aktivity, společenský večer a návštěvu měst České Budějovice a Vodňany. Účastníci kurzu odjížděli nadšeni a nabiti novými vědomostmi.

Rádi bychom poděkovali všem kolegům za perfektně připravené odborné bloky programu a odvedenou práci, díky které nám tato škola zachovává věrnost a každoročně se vrací.


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Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České BudějoviceTel. +420 387 774 601 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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