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Dětská univerzita, říjen 2023, volná místa

Máme poslední volná místa!

Fakulta rybářství a ochrany vod JU, středisko MEVPIS Vodňany, pořádá Dětskou univerzitu na téma Tajný život stromů, která proběhne 26.-27. 10. 2023. Pozvánku (včetně instrukcí k přihlášení) naleznete zde.

Dětská univerzita, srpen 2023

FROV JU v rámci Dětské univerzity zorganizovala 2. turnusy příměstského tábora na téma hmyz. Přes 50 dětí mělo možnost nahlédnout do nejpočetnější zvířecí říše. Malí studenti hmyz chytali, zkoumali, kreslili a pouštěli zpět do přírody. Získávali hmyzí superschopnosti a vedle poznání zažili i spousty dobrodružství.

Děkujeme fakultnímu týmu za perfektní organizaci a provedení akce a všem dětem a jejich rodičům za účast a aktivní zapojení.

Dlouhodobě udržitelná akvakultura, která pomáhá přírodě a lidem žít zdravě

Podívejte se na video (naše fakulta je od 4:20), které představuje některé naše fakultní výzkumné projekty v oblasti rozvoje udržitelné sladkovodní akvakultury a konzumace rybích produktů a jak může dlouhodobě udržitelná akvakultura přispět k ochraně přírody. Uvidíte zde mimo jiné akvaponii a její propojení s cirkulární bioekonomií i to, jak učíme děti jíst rybí výrobky.

Doufáme, že se vám naše společné aktivity budou líbit!


Do hormonally active substances present in water affect humans and fish similarly or differently?

In recent decades, new knowledge and evidence have been collected about the negative effects of some substances of anthropogenic origin that enter the environment. These are mainly hormonally active substances that can disrupt the endocrine system of wild animals and humans. These substances have come to be collectively referred to as endocrine disruptors.

In the aquatic environment, most attention has so far been paid to substances with estrogenic effects, which have been shown to be involved in the increased occurrence of hermaphrodite fish or can even cause feminization of males. Relatively recently, it has been shown that some substances interact with progesterone receptors and can thus exhibit progestogenic or anti-progestogenic activity. Progesterone receptors mediate the action of natural gestagens (progestins) in the bodies of all vertebrates. Natural gestagens, such as progesterone, play an essential role especially in reproduction, but they also have other physiological functions. If substances with progestogenic or anti-progestogenic activity enter the aquatic environment, it can be assumed that they will negatively affect the development or fertility of fish that live in the affected localities. Progestogenic and anti-progestogenic activities have already been detected in wastewater and surface water in Europe, including the Czech Republic, in Australia, China and India. These activities were mainly detected using in vitro bioassays with the human progesterone receptor. However, there are quite large differences between the structure of human and fish progesterone receptors. Therefore, we sought to determine to what extent data on progestogenic and anti-progestogenic activities, obtained using in vitro bioassays with the human progesterone receptor, are relevant to fish.

For these purposes, we took samples of wastewaters and receiving surface waters. In these samples, we then measured the (anti-)progestogenic activity in parallel using an in vitro bioassay with the human progesterone receptor and a bioassay with the zebrafish progesterone receptor (which is a model fish species). The analyzes showed that the progesterone receptors of humans and zebrafish are activated or blocked differently by environmental samples. And it is a question whether the blocking or, on the contrary, the activation of the fish progesterone receptor is caused by other substances present in the waters than those to which the human progesterone receptor reacts. In any case, our tests have shown that the results obtained using in vitro bioassays with the human progesterone receptor cannot be used to estimate the potential risk of occurrence of (anti-)progestogenic activity in the aquatic environment for fish.

Kocour Kroupová, H., Grimaldi, M., Šauer, P., Bořík, A., Zálohová, K., Balaguer, P., 2023. Environmental water extracts differentially activate zebrafish and human nuclear progesterone receptors. Science of the Total Environment 859: 160232. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160232.

Napsala: Hana Kocour Kroupová

Doctor honoris causa

Rektor Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích a Vědecká rada JU udělili čestnou hodnost doktor honoris causa Johanu Verrethovi a Marcu Vandeputteovi v Obřadní síni Radnice města České Budějovice dne 26. listopadu 2021.

Oběma pánům gratulujeme.

Doctor honoris causa

The Rector and the Scientific Board of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice awarded Doctor Honoris Causa for Johan Verreth and Marc Vandeputte in the Ceremonial Hall of the České Budějovice City Hall on 26th November 2021.

Congratulations to both gentlemen.

Doplňovací volby do AS JU

V doplňovacích volbách do studentské komory AS JU na období 2020–2023 byla zvolena Ing. Alžběta Strouhová.

Další pořadí:

  • Radovan Kostlivý
  • Jan Škrabánek
  • Ing. Václav Kučera
  • Mgr. Tomáš Pěnka
  • Lukáš Beránek


Harmonogram doplňovacích voleb do AS JU:

  • do 19. 9. 2023příprava seznamu voličů;
  • od 25. 9. 2023 (8:00h) do 27. 9. 2023 (14:00h) podávání návrhů kandidátů u volební komise;
  • od 28. 9. 2023 (8:00h) do 2. 10. 2023 (14:00h)získání písemných souhlasů kandidátů s kandidaturou do AS JU;
  • 2. 10. 2023zveřejnění seznamu kandidátů do AS JU;
  • 3. 10. 2023 (8:00 – 16:00h) a 4. 10. 2023 (8:00 – 16:00h)volby pomocí elektronického hlasovacího systému JU;
  • 5. 10. 2023 vyhlášení výsledků voleb.

Do studentské komory senátu byli za FROV JU navrženi tito kandidáti:

Ing. Václav KUČERA
Mgr. Tomáš PĚNKA
Ing. Alžběta STROUHOVÁ

Volit můžete zde: Volební aplikace
v úterý 3. října 2023 8:00 do 16:00 a ve středu 4. října 8:00 do 16:00.

Dokumenty ke stažení:

Volby probíhají i na TF JU a EF JU, jejich weby můžete navštívit:

Dr. Teresa Kral, Ph.D., DSc. at the ICS FFPW USB

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On Wednesday, 6 September, the Institute of Complex Systems of the FFPW USB in Nové Hrady was visited by Dr. Teresa Kral, Ph.D., DSc. from the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, from the Department of Physics and Biophysics, who also works at the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS. During the visit, she presented the results of her current work on single molecule fluorescence technique, a subset of fluorescence microscopy that uses fluorescent labels to detect and analyze single molecules. This powerful imaging technique dramatically improves spatial resolution over standard, diffraction-limited microscopy techniques and can image biological structures at the molecular scale.

Dr. Teresa Kral, Ph.D., DSc. na ÚKS FROV JU

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Ve středu 6. 9. 2023 zavítala na Ústav komplexních systémů FROV JU v Nových Hradech návštěva z Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences Dr. Teresa Kral, Ph.D., DSc. z oddělení fyziky a biofyziky, která současně působí na Ústavu fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského AV ČR. V rámci své návštěvy prezentovala výsledky své současné práce zabývající technikou single molecule fluorescence, což je podskupina fluorescenční mikroskopie, která využívá fluorescenční značky k detekci a analýze jednotlivých molekul. Tato výkonná zobrazovací technika výrazně zlepšuje prostorové rozlišení oproti standardním, difrakčně omezeným mikroskopickým technikám a umožňuje zobrazovat biologické struktury v molekulárním měřítku.

Earth Day

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The Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters USB has participated in the enriching of the Earth Day, which is organized annually by the ČSOP Pacov in the local park on 22. 4. 2023. The exhibition was focused on non-native species of crayfish and moluscs, and through faculty students introduced visitors to the species that can be found in our region, how to recognize them, and what to do to protect our native species. Most interesting to visitors were the live specimens of non-native crayfish species.

Ekonomické škody invazních druhů šířících se vodními cestami

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Invazní druhy vodních organizmů jsou velkou hrozbou nejen pro společenstva původních druhů a jejich ekosystémy, ale způsobují i rozsáhlé ekonomické škody. Jedním z faktorů usnadňujících jejich šíření je výstavba vnitrozemských kanálů a průplavů, které propojují dříve izolovaná moře. V našem článku jsme díky databázi InvaCost jako první kvantifikovali ekonomické škody invazních druhů šířících se s přispěním hlavních evropských vnitrozemských kanálů, popř. Suezského a Panamského průplavu.

Navzdory vysokému počtu známých invazních druhů v daných regionech byly prozatím pouze u pěti z nich zdokumentovány i ekonomické škody. Jedná se o  perloočku Cercopagis pengoi a slávičku mnohotvárnou Dreissena polymorpha v evropských vodách a čtverzubce stříbropásého Lagocephalus sceleratus, perutýna ďábelského Pterois miles a medúzu Rhopilema nomadica v případě Suezu. Pro tyto druhy byly celkově zdokumentované náklady vyšší než 42,2 milionu milionu amerických dolarů (33,6 milionu pro evropské vnitrozemské kanály a 8,6 milionu pro Suez, zatímco v případě Panamského průplavu nebyly doposud hlášeny žádné škody). Vzhledem k vysokému počtu ekologicky problematických invazních druhů šířících se v těchto oblastech je zřejmé, že jejich socioekonomické dopady zůstávají téměř zcela nepodchyceny.

Podrobné informace jsou dostupné v původním článku: Balzani, P., Cuthbert, R. N., Briski, E., Galil, B., Castellanos-Galindo, G.A., Kouba, A., Kourantidou, M., Leung, B., Soto, I., Haubrock, P.J., 2022. Knowledge needs in economic costs of invasive species facilitated by canalisation. NeoBiota 78: 207–223. https://doi.org/10.3897/neobiota.78.95050.

Napsal: Paride Balzani, Ph.D.

Zdroj úvodní foto: EVER_GIVEN_(49643352087).jpg (2934×1640) (wikimedia.org)

Election of a candidate for the FFPW USB Dean position

Academic Senate of the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice announces the election of a candidate for the FFPW USB Dean position for the term of office from 1st April 2024 to 30th March 2028.

You can find the election schedule, the candidate proposal form and the consent form for candidacy here.

Election of a candidate for the position of the FFPW USB Dean

On 23rd January 2024, a meeting of the FFWP USB Academic Senate took place in Vodnany, where the dean of the FFWP SBU for the term of office from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2028, Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Tomáš Policar, Ph.D. was elected.
Congratulations to Prof. Tomáš Policar.

Tomáš Policar

MVDr. Eliška Zusková, Ph.D. (chairwoman of FFPW USB Academic Senate)

Election to the Academic Senate of the FFPW USB for the period 2024 – 2027

Elections to the Academic Senate of the FFPW USB for the period 2024 – 2027 have been announced as of today. The elections to the Academic Senate of the FFPW USB will be held only electronically from 14.05.2024, 08:00 a.m. to 16.05.2024, 12:00 p.m.
Detailed information about the elections can be found here

Elections to the Academic senate in the periode 2023 - 2026

The organization and course of elections are governed by the provisions of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on universities and on the amendment and addition of other laws and the provisions of the AS USB Election Code.

According to the Resolution of the Academic Senate of the USB dated September 26, 2023, elections to the AS USB for the period 2023 - 2026 will be held electronically.

The main election commission based on Art. 4, paragraph 2 of the Election Rules of the Academic Senate of the USB set the date for elections to the Academic Senate of the USB on the date:

from November 14, 2023, 8:00 a.m. to November 15, 2023, 2:00 p.m.

Information here.

Eurocean´s Youth

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Surfrider Foundation Europe zahajuje evropskou výzvu pro oceán a hledá 120 mladých Evropanů z členských států EU. Veškeré podrobné informace naleznete zdea zde.

European Aquaculture Society – Student Group 1st Winter Workshop

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Six months of preparations peaked in four days of an event, bringing people from all over Europe together and building trust in a fruitful future as a team.

We are looking back to a successful 1st edition of the Winter Workshop of the European Aquaculture Society – Student Group (EAS-SG) that was held at the International Environmental Educational, Advisory and Information Centre of Water Protection in Vodňany from December 15th to 18th. Students representing different European countries came together to discuss the future strategies of the EAS-SG with one particular goal – connect students across Europe. The University of South Bohemia, particularly the Faculty of Fisheries and the Protection of Waters, hosted 15 attending National Coordinators (NCs) from 10 countries.

The first day was dedicated to getting to know the University of South Bohemia (USB) as host institution. The day started with introductory lectures held by the Vice-dean of foreign affairs of the Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters (FFPW), Vladimír Žlábek, who provided some great insights into the past, present and future of USB in general and FFPW USB in particular. Excursions to the hatchery, MODEL in Vodňany and the aquaponic greenhouse in České Budějovice allowed NCs to get a better impression of the research infrastructure.

The day was concluded with a visit to the Christmas Market and, as a special highlight, a beer tasting by the local O’Pilda brewery, which offers a variety of beers that were inspired by fish species.

During the second day, the Student Group Workshop program continued with presentations by the EAS President-Elect, Marc Vandeputte (INRAE, France), about the importance of transnational expert societies, followed by Jakub Mořický as representative of the Czech Ministry of Agriculture.

The second part of the day started with Liva Dzene, representative of the European Young Chemists’ Network, who gave valuable hints regarding efficient organisation within a pan-European group of scientists and the acquisition of funds.

Ana Visković, project coordinator of the EAS gave insights into the administrative structure to provide a better understanding of the work of EAS.

The discussion was initiated afterwards by Mariana Ferreira, Student Representative of the EAS-SG, giving insights into the current state of the student group. Eventually, some major changes in the structure of the EAS-Student Group were settled.

After a short night due to long discussions, a sightseeing tour in Prague brought the workshop to a pleasant end.

We thank the University of South Bohemia (RVO VaV) and Sparos LDA for their financial support and Ana Visković and the EAS for the footage you can see hereand here.

The organizing committee:

Anıl Tellbüscher (NC Germany), Lenka Kajgrová (NC Czechia) and Tomáš Pěnka (NC Czechia)


Excursion of German students to the Czech Republic

During an educative field trip that aimed to introduce nine interested students to diverse aspects of freshwater ecosystems and the cultural differences in academic work outside of Germany, we travelled last week from the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) to Vodňany.

On Monday, the students were presented with various topics by local experts, starting with a general introduction to biological invasions as an active research field, then diving deeper into invasive crustaceans and fish species and the importance of trophic relationships when discussing invasive species. In addition, the students were introduced to the behaviour of aquatic animals and visited the Faculty hatchery with its sturgeon aquaculture. Finally, we attended an electrofishing campaign in the nearby Blanice river to visualize the differences between native and alien species.

On Tuesday, the group drove to Třeboň to observe the process of local aquaculture, starting with a visit to a series of ponds used to culture carp and ending at the facilities for their purging and expedition.

On Wednesday, we were introduced to the river continuum concept with pristine aquatic species and their specific feeding activities in elevated sections to versatile tolerant species in lower stretches. While this trip lasted nearly the entire day, the students highly appreciated it.

Several surprises awaited the students on Thursday. We travelled to a local commercial farm Pstruhařství Mlýny culturing and processing mainly rainbow trout and sturgeons, as well as the hatchery of the National Park Šumava in Borová Lada. Finally, we hiked to a natural refugium to the noble crayfish, one of the last places in the region where it can be found in high abundance. Afterwards, we inspected Křesanovský brook, a site where the highly invasive signal crayfish are replacing noble crayfish.

Overall, this week was a unique experience for the group, benefitting from the deep insights presented and the valuable cultural exchange.

Dr. Phillip J. Haubrock

Excursion of German students to the Czech Republic

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A group of seven German students from the University of Duisburg-Essen recently embarked on an educational expedition to the Czech Republic, specifically to Vodňany. The purpose of the trip was to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various aspects related to freshwater ecosystems and the academic variations in research outside of Germany.

The itinerary began with a series of presentations by local experts on Monday. The topics covered a broad spectrum, commencing with a general introduction to the realm of biological invasions as a dynamic field of research. This segued into in-depth discussions about invasive crustaceans and fish species, along with the crucial role of trophic relationships in the context of invasive species. The students also had the opportunity to observe the behavior of aquatic animals and visit a sturgeon aquaculture facility at the Faculty hatchery. The day culminated in an electrofishing campaign along the Blanice River, offering a visual contrast between native and alien species.

On Tuesday, the group's focus shifted to the Třeboň pond area, where they gained insight into local aquaculture practices. The journey encompassed visits to ponds dedicated to carp cultivation, culminating in facilities dedicated to their storage and transport. A visit to the Červené blato bog was also an interesting experience. We thank employees of ENKI o.p.s. for their hospitality.

Wednesday brought a series of unique experiences. The students visited the hatchery of the National Park Šumava in Borová Lada, followed by a trek to a natural refuge of the noble crayfish. This location stood as one of the few remaining areas in the region where these crayfish could be found in significant numbers. Subsequently, the group examined the Křesanovský brook, witnessing the displacement of noble crayfish by the highly invasive signal crayfish. We visited the Pstruhařství Mlýny, a local commercial farm specializing in rainbow trout and sturgeon cultivation and processing. The day ended with a comprehensive talk on the biology and management of salmonid fish.

Thursday's program was dedicated to the river continuum concept, which sheds light on the changing environmental conditions of streams from their spring to their confluence, including the impacts on the ecology of the occurring organisms. Despite the intensive nature of the day, the students found great value in the experience. The journey concluded with a talk on the horizon scanning of non-native species, after which the students presented their seminar works.

In summary, the week-long excursion proved to be an exceptional opportunity for these students. They gained valuable insights into diverse aspects of freshwater ecosystems, witnessed the intricacies of invasive species dynamics, observed various aquaculture practices, and got familiar with the river continuum concept. Under the guidance of Dr. Phillip J. Haubrock and Assoc. Prof. Antonín Kouba, this journey stands as a testament to the importance of international educational exploration.

Written by: Dr. Phillip J. Haubrock

Excursion with students of NMgr. ČR-SR 2-4 November 2022

  • images/FROV/aktuality/2022/sr1.jpg, Ochutnávky rybích výrobků „Happy Fish“ (2.11.2022)
  • images/FROV/aktuality/2022/sr2.jpg, Prohlídka akvaponické části RAS farmy s chovem pstruha duhového, Kaly (2.11.2022)
  • images/FROV/aktuality/2022/sr3.jpg, Rázovitý vstup do areálu Krásnianských rybníků (3.11.2022)
  • images/FROV/aktuality/2022/sr4.png, Speciální úprava odtoku vody z nádrže v RAS používané k odchovu úhoře, Rybářství Kamenný potok (3.11.2022)
  • images/FROV/aktuality/2022/sr5.jpg, Nádrž plná terčovců na farmě v PetraAqua v Turčianských Teplicích (3.11.2022)
  • images/FROV/aktuality/2022/sr6.jpg, Prohlídka RAS s chovem sumečka afrického v Handlové (3.11.2022)
  • images/FROV/aktuality/2022/sr7.jpg, Vstup do expozice ryb v areálu „Živá voda“, Modra (4.11.2022)
  • images/FROV/aktuality/2022/sr8.jpg, Začátek prohlídky areálu střediska velký Dvůr – Rybníkářství Pohořelice, a.s. (4.11.2022)

A three-day excursion was conducted on 2-4 November 2022 with 1st year students of the follow-up master’s degree in courses dealing with intensive aquaculture and pond aquaculture. A total of 15 different facilities, organizations and locations in CZ and SK were visited. These included different types of facilities: ponds, fish hatcheries, aquaponics, RAS, public aquariums and exhibitions, trout farms, fish processing plants, fish stores, etc. The program included a tasting of fish specialties and products.

Six facilities were visited in Slovakia: Family trout farm "Krásňanské rybníky" near Žilina, Fisheries Kamenný potok - Vrútky (fish sales, fish processing plant, fish hatchery, RAS), MO SRZ Martin with breeding of the Danube salmon, fish ladder on the river Turiec in Martin with a lecture on monitoring of the fish ladder, PetraAqua company in Turčianske Teplice with a hall for aquarium fish breeding and the largest farm for the production of African catfish in Handlová.    

The realization of the excursion was financially supported by faculty resources for teaching. We thank the faculty management for their support! 

Ing. Ján Regenda, Ph.D.

Stay in touch
social media

Zátiší 728/II, 389 25 Vodňany Tel. +420 387 774 601 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Branišovská 1645/31a, 370 05 České BudějoviceTel. +420 387 774 601 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

© 2021 University of South Bohemia